CD's & Tshirts


                       Yoga Center Products


Disc One

  1. "Dead Bug Pose"

  2. Plie

  3. Tadasana:Mountain Pose

  4. Adho Mukha Svanasana: Downdog Pose

  5. Prone Mountain Pose

  6. Surya Namaskar A: Sun Salutation A

  7. Surya Namaskar B: Sun Salutation B

  8. Prasarita Padottanasana: Intense Wide Legged pose

  9. Virabhadrasana 2: Warrior 2 Pose

  10. Parsvakonasana: Side Angle Pose



The Yoga Center's new CD, produced by Sandra Helpsmeet. This two CD set will be a great help for those wishing to  develop a home practice.  Sandra leads the yoga practioner through various poses in clear, concise instructions.  On the second CD, Sandra's soothing voice guides the listener into Yoga Nidra, "yoga sleep", a long, guided visualization designed to help facilitate deep relaxation.

Cost: $20.  The cd's may be purchased at the Yoga Center or you may contact the Yoga Center via phone or email.

CD's are currently Out of Stock, but a new CD is in the works.



Disc Two

  1. Setu Bandha: Bridge Pose

  2. Supta Padangusthasana: Reclining Big Toe Pose

  3. Viparita Karani: Legs up the Wall Pose

  4. Jathara Parivartanasana: Revolved Belly Pose

  5. Savasana: Relaxation

  6. Yoga Nidra



Yoga Center T-SHIRTS

Long sleeve women's Tshirt in dark brown with a bright turquoise print in sizes S-XL.



at the Yoga Center

Short sleeve shirt in black with bright turquoise print in sizes, men S-XL



at the Yoga Center

