Coming Dance Tours
FFD is looking for folk dancers to join us on the following tours. This is a
great way to spend your vacation! You should be 13 - 99 years old, more or
less. You do not need to be an expert dancer! We will send you
music and a training video so you can get a head start on any dances that might
be new to you. Dancers pay their own way, but the expenses are very modest, and
scholarships are available.
We’ve intended to go to Florida, part of Southeastern Yearly Meeting, a couple times before, but never quite made. Now that Rosemary Coffey is taking the planning under her wing, this coming year will be the fruition of past aspirations. We’ve got nine dancers from across the USA who will be part of the tour, and we’ll be visiting Quaker meetings, doing a Peace program for Unitarian Universalists, and we’ll be joining a couple local folk dance groups for dancing too. There may be a couple nursing homes or schools added to our schedule. Contact for up-to-date info.
Program Dates & Locations, all in Florida:
Saturday, March 24, First United (UCC) of Tampa, 7308 E. Fowler Ave, Tampa, Florida, Potluck 6:30, Performance 7:15
Sunday, March 25, St. Petersburg
Friends Meetinghouse>
Monday, March 26, Scottish American
Society Hall, >917 Louden Ave.,
Tuesday, March 27, 1st Presbyterian
Church of Lake Wales Fellowship Hall (behind the church building)>, 16 N. 3rd
Wednesday, March 28, The Groves Retirement Home, 512 S. 11th Street, Lake Wales, 3-5 pm
Thursday, March 29, Dancing with
the International Folk Dance Club, 9859 Berry Dease Rd.,
Sunday, April 1, for Unitarian
Rwandan Tour, 2007 or 2008:
Coffey has made connections with David Bucura of Rwanda Yearly Meeting, now Assistant Clerk
for the FWCC African Section, and it looks like we’ll have an easy invite to
tour in Rwanda in the near future.
Please start stirring your enthusiasm and saving your vacation days now.